
Thursday, August 18, 2005

Please take a seat, we'll be with you shortly...

Now here's what I'm thinking.

There are things that need to be said, and said freely and without euphemism or restraint. But saying them on
Glamorouse means we may never get another male visitor, and that if we do they will either be a) freaky psycho Norwegian guy or b) someone near and dear who may never look at us the same way ever again. And while I'm ok with that in some ways, I've always been partial to the openness that comes with a 100% female environment.

I'm thinking we need this, the Obgynorama Office: a place with decent magazines in the waiting room, with air conditioning freely heated up as clothing is removed, with big comfy stirrups and a pre-warmed speculum.

SO I thought that when things were heating up, like thrush in summer, or getting all sticky like a mucus plug, we could link over here. And maybe find some other folk who need the candidness of candida, too.

What do you reckon? Can we sustain two blogs?



Blogger KPB said...

Hey you - you need to invite me to be able to write on this...with gyno issues resulting from antibiotics and growing girth I'm desperate for an outlet!!!

8:57 pm  
Blogger Kate B. said...

great. I love it. There is a very urgent need for honesty when it comes to childbirth, pregnancy and the rest of it. It isn't pretty, the whole thing is crude, so why couch it in flowery language and pretend it's a great experience? It's NOT. It bloody well hurts like nothing else (except maybe having your head sawn off which I can't entirely vouch for) and the whole thing, in my opinion, sucks. Big time.

I will definitely be a regular on this blog, at the very least because it gives me the opportunity to talk about the stuff nobody in the real world wants to hear about...

12:20 am  

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